uraniacast_treatment — What treatment scripts are all about.
Uraniacast’s treatment is a name given to a procedure that performs some operation over downloaded enclosures.
Say your player supports only mp3 format, but delivered podcast files are in iTunes audio (m4a). By providing a treatment for such podcast feed you can automatically convert downloaded m4a files into mp3.
Treatment is also an executable that takes 1 or more command line arguments.
For each feed you can add 1 treatment. If you need to perform a series of treatments (convert to mp3, then edit tags in resulted files) it’s your job to write a script that combines several different operations.
Uraniacast ships with 3 ready to use scripts:
Those scripts are usual sh files symlinked to /usr/bin at the installation time.
Converts any possible combination of audio files that your ffmpeg installation supports.
Usage: uraniacast_t_convert.sh [-D] [-f format] -t format file
Example: uraniacast_t_convert.sh -f audio/mp4 -t mp3 %f
Argument for -f options is MIME type but for -t option is a file
extension. To discover exact MIME type, run "exiftool -T -mimetype
In the example above, the script checks that %f is indeed m4a and performs a conversion to mp3. After successful operation it deletes the original file. To keep originals, use -D option.
Usage: uraniacast_t_mp3tag.sh file artist album song year comment
Example: uraniacast_t_mp3tag.sh %f %a %A %s %y %c
Useful when podcast provider uses for its enclosures ugly, unreadable names like accidentally encoded with percent-encoding.
Usage: uraniacast_t_rename.sh file desired_file_ext artist album song year
Example: uraniacast_t_rename.sh %f mp3 %a %A %s %y
The only requirement is that a script return 1 on error and 0 on success, otherwise uraniacast will not be able to properly count which file was treated nice.
Look into uraniacast_t_mp3tag.sh
for an example. That script loads
"library" with some useful functions.
function checks for all external required programs.
puts small message that indicates user how file
is going to be treated.
return a file name for a log file. (It doesn’t
create a file.)
checks exit code of the last command, prints
ok/failed message & exits with proper exit code.
& warnx()
are handy functions for displaying an error or a
warning correspondingly. errx()
aborts the subshell with exit code
Before executing any treatment program, uraniacast exports 2 env variables to each child process:
--that holds a directory name where log files can be
--current feed name (e.g. comp.foobar
, not a
To test your scripts, run uraniacast with 2 -vv command line options—in that case it only prints (after all usual work) what program with what parameters will be executed.